Hello, my name is Henrique Cristo and I was born in a small town in the north of Portugal. During my childhood I lived between Portugal, Brazil and Switzerland. These early transitions helped me to develop the capacity for observation, as well as adaptation to different environments and cultures. In later years, I trained at a prestigious design university in Lisbon, where in 4 years they taught me “everything that matters”, including creative thinking and technical design skills. My academic years were also heavily influenced by performance music, meaning rehearsals, studios and stages, where I had the opportunity to meet countless talented people. When I graduated in design I worked for some internationally well-known agencies. More recently I have lived in London, Barcelona, Hong Kong and Australia, where I devoted much of my time to photography and exploring my individual artistic identity. For me, photography provides the perfect balance between art and craft. I am currently back in England, where I plan to set base. In addition to professional assignments, I am continuously developing my photographic technique through travel, which so far has included Portugal, Spain, England, Ireland, France, Italy, Switzerland, Luxembourg, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, Greece, Bulgaria, Romania, Serbia, Bosnia, Croatia, Montenegro, Tunisia, Mauritius, Thailand, Hong Kong, Macau, Japan, Australia, New Zealand, Brazil, Mexico and the United States. These experiences remind me how important it is to carry my camera with curiosity and humility.